2019-08-13 2426
The so-called resin is also a type of resin binder, which produces grinding wheels with high strength, certain elasticity, and low heat resistance, so they cannot be used in some professions.Diamond g
2019-08-13 1588
Diamond grinding wheel is a circular solid grinding tool with a through hole in the center, made of diamond abrasive as the material and metal powder, resin powder, ceramic, and electroplating metal a
2019-08-13 1512
As grinding tools made from diamond abrasives and binders, diamond grinding wheels are widely used in many professions.1. The good thing about metal bonded grinding wheels is that they have high bondi
2019-08-13 1625
1、 Diamond grinding wheels sintered with metal alloys are commonly known as diamond wheels: the diamond containing part of the diamond wheel is called the working layer, and the working layer is mostl
2019-08-13 1272
1) Effective governance includes product data governance, process data governance, and drawing document governance: effective product data governance, process data governance, drawing document governa