Balance Mass of Diamond Grinding Wheel

2020-06-08 1139

The so-called balance of diamond grinding wheels, as defined, is a program that detects and, if necessary, corrects the quality distribution of the grinding wheel to ensure that the oscillations and bearing forces that occur during operation at the working speed are within the specified range. This explanation clearly states that when balancing a diamond grinding wheel, it is not required to reach equilibrium, but rather allows for a certain amount of surplus. At present, the balance quality of diamond grinding wheels is generally determined by reference to the parent 01940 standard (criterion for determining the balance state of rotating rigid rotors) and the ISO recommended standard (balance accuracy of rotating rigid rotors) based on this. The vertical axis is the allowable eccentricity e, and also the allowable imbalance rate, which is the allowable imbalance amount per unit component of the grinding wheel. It can usually be used on the drawing to measure the balance of a grinding wheel or to measure the detection accuracy of a dynamic balancing machine. The magnitude of the imbalance of the diamond grinding wheel can also be represented by the allowable unbalanced torque on the drawing, which is the product of the component M of the diamond grinding wheel and the allowable eccentricity e, in grams? Millimeters.

It is usually better to use the allowable unbalanced torque when calibrating and balancing the grinding wheel, as it can be directly displayed through the balancing machine.

Due to the presence of both static and even imbalances in cylindrical or cylindrical diamond like grinding wheels, the main damage is the latter. Therefore, in the rotating state of the diamond grinding wheel, an equilibrium component is added (or subtracted) on each of the two calibration planes. To achieve balance of the diamond grinding wheel, it is called dynamic balance, also known as double-sided balance.

Article source: Diamond grinding wheel